If you're not sure what to call those flying, stinging insects, or what species of wasps, hornets, or yellowjackets (W-H-Y) are pestering you, this trap is the one for you. The Rescue WHY Trap has two chambers and three different attractants that can catch 19 different insect species (see list below). The top chamber is designed to be baited with two attractants, a solid in a vial, and a liquid that's mixed with water. The attractant in the bottom chamber will be a liquid poured onto a cotton pad. These two chambers give the insects two ways to enter: through the opening in the top cap or through the holes in the bottom. Once they have entered, the double-chamber design keeps them from finding their way out. Stuck inside, they will die from drowning in the top chamber or by dehydration in the bottom chamber.
- Captures 5 species of Paper Wasps, Bald-Faced Hornets and European Hornets, and 12 species of Yellowjackets
- Traps hard-to-catch Paper Wasps, Bald-Faced Hornets and European Hornets
- Made of durable plastic to last several seasons
- Attractants will not affect honeybees
- Attractant lasts two weeks and no additional food baits are needed
- Easy to use and re-use
Can be used in late winter or early spring to catch the queens as they emerge from overwintering to find new nesting sites. Continue to use throughout the summer and fall to catch workers as they are out foraging.
Catching the Queens:
Wasp, hornet and yellowjacket queens hibernate during the winter, then merge to look for nest sites. Paper wasp queens are the first to emerge, usually in late winter. Hornet and yellowjacket queens emerge later, during the first warm days of spring. When you use the W-H-Y Trap at that time, you can capture some queens and reduce the likelihood that a nest will be established nearby. Insects caught this early in the season may not be numerous, but each queen captured represents one less nest later on. Once queens begin nest building, the W-H-Y Trap may have periods of lower catches until worker populations grow.
This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Use to lure and trap the following species: Paper Wasps (Polistes fuscatus), European Paper Wasps (P. dominulus), Golden Paper Wasps (P. aurifer), Paper Wasps (P. metricus), Red Wasps (P. carolina), European Hornet (Vespa crabro), Bald-faced Hornet (Dolichovespula maculata), Aerial Yellowjacket (D. arenaria), Blackjacket (Vespula consobrina), California Yellowjacket (V. sulphurea), Common Yellowjacket (V. vulgaris), Eastern Yellowjacket (V. maculifrons), Forest Yellowjacket (V. acadica), German Yellowjacket (V. germanica), Northeastern Yellowjacket (V. vidua), Prairie Yellowjacket (V. atropilosa), Southern Yellowjacket (V. squamosa), Transition Yellowjacket (V. flavopilosa) and Western
Yellowjacket (V. pensylvanica).
For outdoor use only.
- Traps should be placed at least 20 feet away from an outdoor activity area like a patio, porch or deck. If placed near a house structure, you will generally catch more paper wasps. If placed near a natural setting of bushes or trees, you will generally catch more hornets and yellowjackets.
- Place 20 feet from a known yellowjacket nest.
- For maximum efficacy, place multiple traps around the perimeter of a yard or area where insects are entering.
Please see manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab for the following instructions complete with illustrations.
Initial Setup
- Remove twist-tie and enclosed Attractant Vial and green Attractant Tube from top chamber.
- Remove yellow Attractant Tube and felt pad from bottom chamber. Leave cone in place.
- Bait the bottom chamber first.
- Place felt pad into center of bottom cap.
- Cut tip of yellow Attractant Tube.
- Carefully empty attractant liquid onto felt pad.
- Screw bottom cap back in place.
- Set trap on flat surface.
- Next, bait the top chamber:
- Remove Attractant Vial from its plastic pouch.
- Pop open lid to Attractant Vial and snap into one of three notches next to the cone in the top cap.
- Cut tip of green Attractant Tube and carefully pour liquid into top chamber.
- Add water to top chamber so solution reaches the Start Line. Add 1-2 drops dishwashing liquid to the water mixture.*
- Thread twist-tie through hole on top cap.
- Screw top cap back on and hang trap outdoors.
- Wash hands with soap and water.
Trap Placement:
- Hang trap outdoors, at least 20 feet away from plants grown for food or feed, building entries, and any known wasp, hornet or yellowjacket nests. Hang traps in late evening or early morning when wasps, hornets and yellowjackets are less active.
- In extreme hot and dry weather, hang trap in the shade.
Top Chamber:
*Adding dishwashing liquid to the water mixture in the top chamber will coat the insects' wings and make it harder for them to fly once trapped. In hot and dry weather, liquid level in top chamber may evaporate below the Start Line before the attractant is due to be replaced. Do NOT add additional water to bring the liquid back up to the Start Line, as it will reduce attractant effectiveness.
Use Rate:
Use 2-4 traps for a 10,000 square foot area, or 8 to 16 traps per acre. For areas with heavy infestation, use a maximum of 48 traps per acre.
Reusing the Trap:
The attractants in the WHY Trap are designed to last 2 weeks.
- Check to make sure all trapped insects are dead.
- Empty dead insects and wipe insect residue from trap. (Top chamber cannot be emptied of insects without replacing the attractant.)
- Follow directions for baiting the bottom and top chambers in the initial setup instructions.
Storage: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated location out of reach of children and pets.
What's In The Package: The trap comes with the 3-part attractant set (a yellow tube, a vial, and a green tube) and the Refill Set contains just the yellow tube, vial, and green tube.
Warning & Toxicities: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Caution. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. This product contains wasp, hornet and yellowjacket attractant. Wasp, hornet and yellowjacket stings can cause allergic reactions and death. Seek immediate attention if stung and an allergic reaction occurs.
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis:
1 Yellow Tube Net. Wt. - 0.05 oz.
Active Ingredient: Heptyl Butyrate............99.8% Other Ingredients......................................0.2%
1 Vial Net. Wt. - 0.05 oz.
Active Ingredient: 2-Methyl-1-butanol............59.75% Other Ingredients...........................................40.25%
Total.............................................................100.00% |
1 Green Tube
Active Ingredient: Acetic Acid...........................8.0% Other Ingredients............................................92.0% Total................................................................100.0% |
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Fast acting and effective
Sep 8, 2021 | By Maureen Sladen