Artichoke Plume Moth
Platyptilia carduidactyla
The larval stage of the artichoke plume moth causes the damage to plants. The larvae will feed on any part of the artichoke plant; economic damage is mainly from feeding on floral buds, as damaged shoots will often recover. The artichoke plume moth is mainly a problem where artichokes are grown as perennials.
While the larvae are active, spray plants with Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki or Spinosad to achieve control and limit damage.
The adults are beige to brownish-beige in color with a wingspan of .75" to 1.25" and fringed hind wings. The females lay their eggs singly on the underside of artichoke leaves or on the bud stalk. The larvae are about .04" (1 mm) in length and pale yellow. The young larvae generally feed externally but tunnel into the leaf stalk after their first molt.
For more information please see our Caterpillars and Moths Control page.