Redbanded Leafroller
Argyrotaenia velutinana
The redbanded leafroller became a major pest during the 1940's. They feeds on apple, cherry, plum, peach, grape, small fruits, vegetable crops, ornamentals, and some weeds. The larvae can skeletonize leaves by feeding on all parts of the leaf. They also channel the exterior of fruit, rendering it inedible.
The adult moth is about the size of a codling month, and is brown with a broad reddish band and irregular light markings on the forewings. Pheromone Lures and Traps are highly recommended to monitor and reduce the reproductive rate of the Redbanded Leafroller.
Females lay eggs mainly on the trunk and scaffold limbs. Larvae are about 16 mm long at full maturity and greenish in color. The pupae overwinter in ground cover so applications of beneficial nematodes may prove helpful in controlling the overwintering population.
Control options are shown below. For more information please see our Caterpillars and Moths Control page.
Photo courtesy of Clemson University Department of Entomology, Soils & Plant Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service.