Lallemand Plant Care
Lallemand Plant Care is an international leader in developing and marketing high quality microorganisms. The microbial inoculants they create from these microorganisms are designed to provide multiple benefits to the plant and can be classified as Plant Protection/Biocontrols (controlling pathogens with naturally-occurring bacteria or fungi), Biostimulation (stimulating natural processes to increase yield and quality) and Biofertilization (optimizing soil resources and improving microbial life in the soil). We are proud to offer a carefully chosen selection of these innovative products.
- Plant Pest Control:
- NEW - LALGUARD M52 OD - Biopesticide (liquid)
- NEW - LALGUARD M52 GR - Biopesticide (granular)
- Plant Protection/Biocontrols:
- LALSTOP G46 - Biofungicide for Soil Borne and Foliar Diseases
- LALSTOP K61 - Preventative Biofungicide for Root Rot Diseases
- LALSTIM OSMO - Osmoprotectant
- Biostimulation:
- LALRISE MAX WP - Microbial Inoculant
- Biofertilization
- LALRISE VITA - Plant Growth Regulating Rhizobacterioa