Azadirachtin is similar to Neem Oil in that it is derived from the seeds of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), but lacks the fungicidal properties of neem oil. Initially found to inhibit desert locust feeding, Azadirachtin is now known to affect a broad spectrum of over 200 insect species including Aphids, Mealybugs, Caterpillars, Japanese Beetle, Whiteflies, Mites, Root Aphids and Thrips. Azadirachtin's primary mode of action is as an anti-feedant, but it also disrupts normal insect growth/molting, repels larvae and adults, sterilizes adults and deters egg laying.
Azadirachtin products are preferred by some due to their compatibility with a wide range of Insecticides and Biocontrols, such as the beneficial fungus Beauveria bassiana. With no re-entry restrictions Azadirachtin allows for use in a variety of settings and breaks down rapidly after application, minimizing unwanted effects on the environment. Alternating Azadirachtin applications with other insecticides provides variable control with less risk of insects developing resistance.