Beneficial Nematodes
Broad Spectrum Pest Control Starting At $36! Control Grubs, Fungus Gnats, Fleas and Over 200 Other Soil Developing Pests!
ARBICO's Beneficial Nematodes are naturally-occurring, microscopic organisms found in soils throughout the world. They mainly parasitize insect pests that have soil dwelling larval or pupal stages; however, they have been known to parasitize above ground stages of certain pests. Their wide range of prey makes them exceptional for general pest control in chemical-free growing environments.
Beneficial Nematodes can be used in gardens, lawns, orchards, vineyards, greenhouses, row crops, pastures and more. If you are treating for a specific pest, you may use our beneficial nematode selection chart to select the correct species of nematode for control. Application Instructions, effective temperature ranges, storage information and more can be found in the Beneficial Nematode FAQs.
Need Organic Certified? Our PRO line of beneficial nematodes are OMRI listed for use in organic production.
Related Information:
- Blog: Why Nematodes Can be "Good" or "Bad" for your Garden
- Blog: 5 Cool Things About Nematodes
- Blog: Product Review: NemAttack Beads Offer Simple, Environmentally Safe Pest Control
- Blog: Beneficial Nematodes - What Products are They Compatible With?
- Blog: Spring Isn't Just For Showers, It's For Beneficial Nematodes Too
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