Foliar Fertilizers
Foliar feeding is a method of fertilizing plants through direct application of liquid fertilizers or teas to foliage. By providing nutrition through the leaves, foliar feeds can minimize the effects of stressors like drought, extreme heat/cold and pest damage. They are a great way to provide what the plant needs now, especially in places where soil nutrition is deficient.
How They Work: Plants respond quickly to these solutions by absorbing the nutrients through their stomata – up to 20x faster than through the roots. Benefits are seen shortly after application. The most common foliar fertilizers are liquid seaweed solutions due to their low N-P-K and trace element content. Foliar feeding can also be a way to maximize absorption of key nutrients like zinc, iron and phosphorous.
Grower's Note: Foliar sprays can be used in both vegetative and flowering growth stages. Do not apply foliar fertilizer when lights are on to avoid phytotoxicity.
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