Fusarium Stem Canker
Fusarium canker (stem canker) is caused by a groups of six species and begins with a lesion on the stem or leaf petioles. Nearby tissue can swell and split, leaving the plant open to other damage. As water and nutrient flow is limited, leaves on the affected stems wilt and die, but do not fall off the plant. Prolonged wet periods, particularly in early season, create favorable conditions for stem canker to develop. Symptoms can resemble that of Fusarium foot rot; however, damaged xylem will be a reddish color compared to the soft, dark cankers cause by foot rot. Commonly affected crops include walnuts, seedlings and soybeans.
Grower's Note: Can be a cause of damping off in seedlings. Prevent it with RootShield Plus or Prestop WG.
Controlling Stem Canker:
- Plant resistant varieties & rotate crops to reduce plant host material.
- Preventive applications of biofungicides like CEASE and Regalia can prevent infection and improve plant defense responses.
- Plant/root dips of ZeroTol 2.0 works well to sanitize & reduce spore levels.