Eurasian Hemp Borer
The Eurasian hemp borer (Eurasian hemp moth, hemp borer) is currently found east of the Rockies and has become a prevalent pest in eastern Colorado. It has become a major pest in outdoor hemp and cannabis cultivation sites, causing stem girdling at the base of buds that leads to wilt (leaf flagging) and death. This is most concerning for growers of flower buds and developing seeds as it stunts production. Since most damage is caused by stalk tunneling where the pest is protected, prevention is key to managing Eurasian hemp borers.
Controlling Eurasian Hemp Borers:
- Scouting should be done early and often along with preventive releases of Trichogramma minutum.
- Traps can be placed to help monitor adults; however, there are no commercially available lures that have proven effective.
- Releases of assassin bugs beginning prior to adults being spotted. They will seek out eggs laid on leaves, limiting the number that make it into plant stalks.
- Remove all crop debris after harvest to limit overwintering sites. Monitor nearby weed growth for knotweed and remove it if found to be harboring any Eurasian corn hemp borer larvae.