Oyster Shell is an all natural and high quality source of the essential plant nutrient calcium. Ancient oyster shells are carefully harvested and then ground into small, medium and coarse particles. These irregular shapes provide a sustained release of this valuable nutrient and help prevent deficiencies that can diminish plant development. Oyster Shell also aids in improving structure of soils and building optimum tilth.
Integral to plant health, calcium is present in every plant cell and is necessary for the structural integrity of cell walls and facilitation of intercellular processes. This great source of calcium for plants is made from ground carpenter oyster shells collected from ancient deposits. These oyster shells are specifically ground into various sizes of particles, ranging from small to coarse. This method of preparation provides a sustained release of calcium to support growth at multiple stage. In addition to offering this valuable nutrient, oyster shell will also help improve soil structure.
Down To Earth Oyster Shell comes in a compostable box, contains 35% calcium and is OMRI listed for organic production. It can be used on vegetable gardens, flower beds, container plants, trees, shrubs and makes an excellent substitute for limestone on lawns!
Don't be alarmed if you see signs of calcium deficiency in your plants or your soils' testing results show low calcium values, this essential nutrient is easy to apply and use both preventively and proactively throughout the growing season
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Conversion weights for recommended rates: 2 cups ≈ 1 lb; 1/2 cup ≈ 4 oz; 1 tbsp ≈ 0.5 oz
For Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds: Use 3-6 lbs./100 sq. ft., mixed into the top 3" of soil in spring or fall.
For New Transplants: Use 1-2 tsp./ planting hole, mixed into soil and water in well.
Lawns: Determine application rate with soil analysis and spread 10-50 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. and water well. Apply in spring or fall and repeat annually as needed.
Outdoor Containers: For new plantings, mix 1-2 tbsp./gallon of soil or add 0.5-1 lb./cubic yard. For established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp./gallon into the soil surface every other month during the growing season.
Trees & Shrubs: Spread and mix 1 lb./1" of trunk diameter into soil around the base outwards to the drip line and water well. For new trees, prepare transplant hole and mix 1-2 cups with the backfill soil. Use the amended soil to fill in around the new tree and water in well.
Cannot Be Shipped To: IA,MS,ND,SD,WV,WY
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis: