Ships via Overnight methods on Wednesdays only. Order by NOON on Tuesday for shipment the following Wednesday.
Dicyphus hesperus is a beneficial predator that prefers the eggs and larval stages of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci. Feeding primarily on these pests, Dicyphus hesperus will also feed on other species of whitefly, two-spotted spider mites, moth eggs, and the larvae of thrips and leafminer if the target prey is not available.
The adults measure approximately 6mm, are black and green with red eyes and can also fly. Nymphs are green and have red eyes. Adults lay eggs inside plant tissue making them difficult to detect.
To help you make the most informed decision regarding the best beneficial for your situation, please note the following about Dicyphus Hesperus:
- Dicyphus hesperus does not control, but is helpful in reducing populations of mites, moth eggs and larvae of thrips and leafminer.
- To most effectively control populations of whitefly, pair Dicyphus Hesperus with Eretmocerus eremicus or other predatory insects.
- When their preferred pest insects are in short supply, high populations of Dicyphus Hesperus may consume plant material.
- Dicyphus hesperus is used as a control for greenhouse and tobacco whitefly on tomato, pepper, and eggplant crops. They do not typically damage plants from this plant family.
- They must feed on insects to reproduce and their population develops most rapidly when feeding on a population of whitefly.
Dicyphus hesperus prefers temperatures in a nominal range of 75° F and Relative Humidity up to 50%.
Application rates: Release 500 per acre. A release of 100 will cover approximately 8700 square feet.
- Release as soon after receipt as possible in evening or cool morning - avoid direct bright sunlight.
- Hold bottle horizontal, sprinkle medium and insects onto leaves to apply.
- Multiple releases at two week intervals are recommended.
When Will My Order Ship?
- Ships via Overnight shipping methods only. This does not take processing time into account. Overnight Shipping refers to the time frame for delivery after the shipment date.
- Orders ship on Tuesdays only.
- Order by Tuesday for shipment the following Tuesday. 7-day minimum lead time prior to shipment.
- For any questions about shipping restrictions, please call us at 1-800-827-2847.
Cannot Be Shipped To: HI,PR,VI,GU,AS,PW
What's In The Package: Dicyphus hesperus are shipped as adults and nymphs. Adult and nymph stages are predatory.
Shelf Life: Use within 18 hours of receipt.