Use the Mosquito Bits & Dunks Combo Kit for quick kill and long term results; it consists of::
The main ingredient in Dunks and Bits is Bacillus thurengiensis israelensis (Bti), highly effective bio-larvicide that works in standing water to kill mosquito larvae and in soil or growing media to kill fungus gnat larvae. When applied to water, the Bti will slowly be releases as the Dunks or Bits dissipate in water. Larvae in the water will feed on the Bti and perish within 24 hours.
Mosquito Bits are perfect for shallow waters or smaller areas, while Mosquito Dunks can be used in deeper water as well as in areas that are prone to flooding or collecting water before that occurs. The combination of the two allows for total coverage and long-lasting control.
- Dunks will float on water and can be anchored with string to prevent them from being washed away, They can also be put onto a stake.
- Bits will be effective for up to 14 days while Dunks can last 30 days or more under normal environmental conditions.
- Alternate drying and wetting does not reduce the effectiveness of either product
- Both products can be applied to areas that contain aquatic life, fish, and plants and to areas used by or in contact with humans, animals, livestock, pets, birds, or wildlife. This includes aquaponic and hydroponic systems.
- Will kill mosquito species that transmit West Nile Virus, Malaria, Dengue Fever and Zika Virus.
- This product will only affect the targeted larvae and is harmless to other living creatures or plant life.
Bits and Dunks can be used in all types of containerized standing water sites where mosquito larvae grow, except finished, treated drinking water intended for human consumption. This includes, but is not limited to, unused swimming pools, flowerpots and saucers, bird baths, animal watering troughs, old automobile tires, ditches, ponds and rain barrels. They can also be used in outdoor areas expected to flood and indoors in places that are known to collect water, like elevator shafts, basements that flood, sump pumps and any drainage areas within buildings.
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This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: The larval stage of Fungus Gnats (Bradysia impatiens), and Mosquitoes (Mult spp.)
Mosquito Bits: Apply uniformly. Broadcast 1 tsp. per 25 sq. ft. or 1 Tbs. per 75 sq. ft. every 2 weeks during mosquito season.
Mosquito Dunks: Use 1 per 100 sq. ft. of infested water.
Fungus Gnat Larvae Control:
- Mix 4 tablespoons per 1 gallon of water.
- Let mixture sit for 30 minutes and skim off the floating granules. For easier cleanup, granules may be placed in a nylon stocking prior to immersion in water.
- Stir or shake the water then apply treated water directly to soil or growing media surface.
- Compost or discard used granules.
- This treatment controls fungus gnat larvae present in the soil at the time of application.
- Repeat weekly for three weeks.
- Repeat treatment if fungus gnats reappear.
Please refer to the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab for more extensive usage instructions.
Storage: Apply to moist areas where pest insects are breeding.
Warning & Toxicities: Do not apply to drinking water.
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis: Bacillus thuringiensis sp israelensis