Gonzo Copper Stopper Slug & Snail Barrier Tape creates a barrier to keep snails and slugs from your plants. This tape is made of copper, which causes a distinctly unpleasant sensation for the gastropods as it reacts with their slime secretions. So much so, that they will soon be looking for their dinner elsewhere.
- Gastropod pests can be persistent, so you will need to make sure that you leave no gaps in your barrier and there is nothing that they can climb to cross it.
- When applying this product, be sure to keep it away from electricity.
- Apply to greenhouse benches, raised flower beds, flower boxes, trees, vines, potted and container plants.
This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Slug and Snails
This product acts as a barrier to movement by slugs and snails. Tear off the paper backing and apply to clean, dry surfaces.
- Can be nailed to wood surfaces if desired.
- Do not leave gaps in the tape as these pests may find their way through unprotected openings.
- Do not allow plants or other objects to bridge the tape as slugs and snails may cross.
- Areas that have been enclosed by the Copper Stopper may inadvertently trap these pests. Hand removal or treatment of the enclosed area using baits may be necessary until the area is free of snails and slugs.
Warning & Toxicities:
Keep out of reach of children. Copper Stopper may contain sharp edges. Keep away from electricity.
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Copper tape for snails & slugs
Jun 8, 2022 | By Catherine Ffrench