Deliver is an organic bioinsecticide with the active ingredient Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki. This uniquely powerful product is up to 5 times as potent – pound for pound – as conventional Btk products. The reason for this can be found in the particular strain of Btk chosen for Deliver – it contains an especially high concentration of Cry1Ac insecticidal protein. Cry1Ac is exceptionally potent to Lepidopteran pests. Compared to traditional Btk, one container of Deliver can treat more area, which translates into lower use rates and lower costs overall.
- Pests must ingest the Btk for it to be effective, so complete coverage of leaf tissue is essential.
- This wettable granular formulation provides uniform dispersion of the Btk in the spray droplets and encourages better spreading and sticking.
- For best results, treat the area while pests are small.
- Excellent choice for IPM and resistance management programs
- Non-toxic to beneficials
- Exempt from residue tolerance
- 4-hour REI (Restricted Entry Interval) and 0-Day PHI (Pre-Harvest Interval)
- Protects the following crops: Corn, Cotton, Forest and Shade Trees; Fruit, Nut & Vine Crops; Hops, Flowers and Ornamental Plants; Melons; Pasture, Hay and Small Grain Crops; Stored Soybeans and Beans; Strawberries; Turf and Tobacco and Vegetable and Cole Crops.
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This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: Alfalfa caterpillar, Almond Moth, Armyworms, Artichoke Plume Moth, Bagworms, Banana Skipper, Banana Moth, Beet Armyworm, Blueberry Leafrollers, Blueberry Spanworm, Bollworm, California Oak Moth, Cherry Fruitworm, Citrus Cutworm, Codling Moth, Corn Earworm, Cotton Leafworm, Cotton Leaf Perforator, Cutworms (various), Diamondback moth, Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth, Elm Spanworm, European Corn Borer, European Grapevine Moth, European Pepper Moth, Fall Cankerworm, Fall Webworm, Filbert Webworm, Fruit Tree Leafroller, Grape Berry Moth, Grape Leaffolder, Grapeleaf Skeletonizer, Green Cloverworm, Green Cloverworm, Green Fruitworm, Spongy Moth, Hornworms, Imported Cabbageworms, Jack Pine Budworm, Light Brown Apple Moth, Loopers (various), Mimosa Webworm, Naval Orangeworm, Obliquebanded Leafroller, Omnivorous Leafroller, Omnivorous Leaftier, Orangedog, Orange Tortix, Oriental Fruit Moth, Peach Twig Borer, Pecan Nut Casebearer, Redbanded Leafroller, Redhumped Caterpillar, Rindworm Complex (various), Roughskinned Cutworm, Saltmarsh Caterpillar, Sod Webworm, Southwestern Corn Borer, Spotted Cutworm, Spring Cankerworm, Spruce Budworm, Tent caterpillars, Tobacco Budworm, Tobacco Hornworm, Tomato Fruitworm, Tomato Pinworm, Tropical Sod Webworm, Tufted Apple Bud Moth, Variegated Leafroller, Velvetbean Caterpillar and Western Tussock Moth
Deliver may be applied up to and on the day of harvest. For most consistent control, apply at first sign of newly hatched larvae (1st and 2nd instar larvae). To be effective, Deliver must be deposited at the larval feeding site.
- Can be applied by ground or air in water sufficient to insure thorough and even coverage.
- Apply when caterpillars are actively feeding and continue applying as part of a normal spray program until pest is adequately controlled.
- Thorough and uniform crop coverage is required for adequate insect control.
- If rapid knockdown of heavy larvae or non-lepidopterous populations is necessary, combine Deliver with an effective contact insecticide.
- During situations of dense foliage and/or rapid growth, shorter application intervals and increased water carrier volumes will provide better crop coverage and improve performance.
Deliver is formulated to provide desirable coverage and adherence to leaf surfaces. Additional adjuvants, spreaders, or stickers may be added to improve product performance, especially under heavy dew or rainy conditions.
- Combinations with commonly used insecticides, fungicides, or other spray tank adjuvants are generally not deleterious to Deliver if the mix is used promptly.
- Applications at higher water volumes have demonstrated improved control of targeted pests.
Rate Selection Considerations:
Application rates are typically given as a range:
- Use lower rate ranges when tank mixing with contact insecticides labeled for larvae control or under conditions of light larvae infestations or when uniformly small larvae are present.
- Use medium rate ranges when multiple larvae life stages are present, continuous egg hatches are occurring or young or light armyworm infestations exist.
- Use upper rate ranges for heavy larvae infestations, mature (larger) larvae or for moderate to heavy infestations of armyworm, bollworm or other difficult to control larvae species.
Use in water sufficient to ensure thorough coverage depending on type of crop, application equipment and requirements of state regulations. Low volume applications may be used, but proper application equipment must be used to insure adequate coverage.
For more information on application methods and detailed crop-specific application rates and use instructions, please refer to the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab.
Environment: Environment Hazards: For Terrestrial Uses: Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean water mark. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters. This product must not be applied aerially within 1/4 mile of any habitats of endangered or threatened Lepidoptera. No manual application can be made within 300 ft. of any threatened or endangered Lepidoptera.
Storage: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Store in original container in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children and pets and away from heat and direct sunlight. Protect from freezing. Storage at temperatures above 90°F may impair effectiveness.
Warning & Toxicities: Keep out of reach of children. Harmful if absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Avoid breathing vapors or spray mist. Prolonged or frequently repeated skin contact may cause an allergic reaction in some individuals. Avoid contact with skin, eyes or clothing. Causes moderate eye irritation. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. Remove contaminated clothing and wash clothing before reuse.
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis:
Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies kurstaki strain SA-12 solids, spores,
and Lepidopteran active toxins✝..............................................................85.0%
OTHER INGREDIENTS:...................................................................... 15.0%
✝Potency: Minimum of 41 Billion International Units (BIU) per pound of product. The percentage of active ingredient does not indicate product performance and potency measurements are not federally standardized.