A native of the southwest United States, the Western Flower Thrips has moved on and is now a major agricultural pest in many parts of the world (particularly in greenhouse floricultural crops). Don't be misled by their name, Western Flower Thrips go after more than 500 species of host plants, including grasses, vegetables, fruits, berries, some trees and shrubs (like roses and stone fruit), as well as herbaceous ornamentals (like impatiens and petunias). If you are growing any foliage, cut flowers, propagation material or bedding plants in greenhouses, Western Flower Thrips should be considered a real threat.
The Pest Wizard Western Flower Thrips Trap Kit is your first line of defense. Early monitoring and detection is important to keep this species of thrips at bay. Growers often respond when damage is seen; but once damage has occurred, the insect population is established. This may lead to vectoring of disease, unsightly growth or difficulties when attempting control. The preferred course of action is to closely monitor by trapping to prevent the thrips from establishing. Actively monitoring will allow you to set a threshold at which control is necessary. If treatment with insecticides or beneficial insects is needed, seek out organic sprays that can be used alongside other treatments like beneficial insects or biostimulants.
Western Flower Thrips Biology: These tiny thrips (1-1.4 mm long) damage plants in both their larval and adult stages. An adult female can live 2-5 weeks (sometimes more, depending on temperatures) and will lay 40-100 eggs on the plants in their lifetimes. Female thrips particularly like to lay their eggs on the flowers and fruit of plants. Not only does this ovipositing damage the developing bud in and of itself, but the adult also feeds on pollen, petals and plant tissues. Western Flower Thrips use their single mandible to scrape away, puncture the plant tissue, and suck the sap from the wound. This leads to distorted leaves, stippling in feeding spots and severe discoloration in large populations. As if this weren't bad enough, the larvae is also a major vector for serious viral diseases - Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) and Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV).
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This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases: For use to selectively attract and monitor Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), although other insects may be caught on the sticky trap.
Keep lures inside sealed packets until ready to use. Handle with clean hands or implements to maintain adhesive qualities.
Hangar Instructions: Attach a single hanger to the top of a sticky trap. Use 2 hangers in windy areas or to hang trap horizontally. Quickly peel release paper down diagonally.
Preparing a Foil Pouch Lure:
- Find the removable side of the foil pouch containing lure. Peel that layer off completely and discard.
- Do not puncture the remaining sealed pouch that contains the coaster lure.
- Do not remove the large round coaster lure from the pouch.
- The clear layer of the pouch is a slow release material that allows the scent to gradually escape into the air.
Attaching the Lure:
- Method #1: Make a kink in 1 hanger and push the end of the hanger through the slit top of the foil lure. Slide lure down to the kink.
- Method #2: Use a paperclip (not included) to attach the lure directly to the trap.
How to Deploy the Trap:
- Place traps close to individual plants or crop rows. Hang them from branches, a garden stake or from a rope strung between rows.
- Put traps where thrips damage is or has been in the past, between roses, above vegetables, on shrubs and in trees.
- The lure is effective for 60 days. If the lure has not expired when a trap becomes saturated with insects or debris, move it to a new trap.
The lure is effective for 60 days. If the trap becomes covered with insects or other debris before that time, remove the lure and attach it to a fresh trap. When the lifespan of the lure is complete and the season is still active, replace lure and sticky trap with new ones. Replacement lures (SKU 1254271) and blue/yellow sticky traps (SKU# 1254201 & 1254202) are available.
Suggested Uses: For use to attract adult western flower thrips to break up the life cycle and monitor pest populations.
- Keep lures sealed inside packets until use.
- Avoid storing in direct sunlight. Store in a cool place or in the freezer if possible.
- Lures stored in moderate temperature zones (75°-90°F) should have a shelf life of 2-3 seasons.
- Lures frozen inside sealed pouches will last longer and lures continually exposed to extreme heat will last a shorter amount of time.
What's In The Package: Contains two Blue/Yellow Sticky Traps, two Pheromone Lures, four Trap Hangers and complete illustrated instructions in English and Spanish.
Warning & Toxicities: A small percentage of beneficial insects present in your yard, garden or crops will find their way to this trap and become ensnared. This could potentially include ladybugs, honey bees, lacewings and parasitic wasps. Although this is unfortunate, sticky traps are still a preferred method of pest control as toxic insecticides would have a far more over-reaching and deadly impact on all insects, not to mention the damage to the environment and the creatures in it (including birds, children and pets). To minimize the risk to honey bees, avoid hanging traps too close to heavy honey concentrations when fruit trees are blooming.