Monterey Take Down Spray is a pyrethrin-powered insecticide spray for the home gardener that controls many of the most problematic garden pests. It works as a contact insecticide to kill eggs, larval and adult forms of the targeted pest insects. But Monterey Take Down Garden Spray is much more than an excellent insecticide - it contains canola oil which acts as a surfactant (spreader/sticker) and allows it to be applied as a dormant spray to control overwintering pest populations.
- For the most effective results, apply at the first sign of a pest population.
- Safe to use on fruits and vegetables throughout the growing season up to the day of harvest.
- The concentrated form allows the user to mix just what is needed for complete application to the desired area.
- Can be used in container plants, greenhouses, grow rooms, hoop houses, vegetable gardens, vineyards, interiorscapes and on houseplants.
This product is toxic to bees and aquatic organisms, please refer to the "Environmental Hazards" section under the Use Instructions tab for more information.
For more information about pyrethrins and their use as insecticides Click Here.
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This Product Controls These Pests or Diseases:
Adelgids, Ants (including Foraging Ants, Sweet-Feeding Ants, Pavement Ants, Moisture Ants, Little Black Ants, Argentine Ants, Crazy Ants, Acrobat Ants, Bigheaded Ants, Cornfield Ants, Ghost Ants, Odorous House Ants, Thief Ants, Texas Leafcutting Ants, Field Ants, and other Common Ants) (except Fire Ants, Harvester Ants, Carpenter Ants, and Pharaoh Ants), Aphids (including Green Peach Aphids), Armyworms (including Beet Army Worms, Western Yellow Striped Armyworms), Bagworms, Beetles (Colorado potato beetle, flea beetle, Japanese beetle, asparagus beetle, Blister Beetles, 12-spotted Cucumber Beetles, Cucumber Beetle, Darkling Beetles (lesser mealworm), Saw-toothed Grain Beetles, Elm Leaf Beetles, Bean Beetles, Mexican Bean Beetles), Borers (including European Corn Borer, Branch and Twig Borers, Shot hole borers and Pacific flathead borers), Box Elder Bugs, Cabbageworms (including Cross-striped Cabbageworm and Imported Cabbageworm), Cankerworms, Caterpillars (Gypsy Moth Caterpillars, Tent caterpillars, Eastern Tent Caterpillar, Forest Tent Caterpillar and Tomato Fruitworm Caterpillar), Corn Earworm, Crane Flies, Crickets, Diamondback Moth Larvae, Earwigs, Fireworms, Fungus Gnats, Fruit flies (Including Cherry Fruit Fly), Glassy Winged Sharpshooter , Grape Leaf Skeletonizer, Grasshoppers, Green Fruit Worm, Harlequin Bugs, Hornworms (including Tomato Hornworm), Katydids, Lace bugs, Leafhoppers (including Grape Leafhopper, and Potato Leafhoppers), Leafminers, Leafrollers (including Fruittree Leafrollers), Leaftiers, Loopers (including Cabbage Looper), Lygus, Maggots (including Apple Maggot, Cabbage Maggots, and Onion Maggot), Mealybugs (including Citrus Mealybugs, Grape Mealybugs and Vine Mealybugs), Non-biting Midges Millipedes, Mites (including Clover Mites, European Red Mite and Spider Mites), Moths (including Artichoke Plume Moth, Codling Moth, Diamondback moth, European Pine Tip Moth, Spongy Moth, Indian Meal Moth, Mediterranean Flour Moth), Mushroom Flies, Navel Orangeworm, Plant Bugs (including Leaf footed Plant Bug, Tarnished Plant Bug), Psyllids (including Pear Psyllids), Sawfly Larvae (pear and rose slugs), Scale insects (including Soft Scale and Armoured Scale), Silverfish, Skippers, Sowbugs, Spittlebugs, Squash bugs, Stink Bugs, Thrips (including Greenhouse Thrips), Vinegar Flies, Webworms, Weevils (including Boll Weevil, Carrot Weevil, Clover Weevil, Rice Weevil, Pepper Weevil), Whiteflies and Phylloxera.
- Do not wet plants to point of runoff or drip.
- Do not allow people or pets to enter the treated area until sprays have dried.
- Do not apply within 21 days of a sulfur application.
- Do not use when temperatures are above 90ºF.
- Do not apply more than 10 times per season.
- Do no reapply within 3 days except under extreme pest pressure. In case of extreme pest pressure do not reapply within 24 hours.
- Do not use in outdoor residential misting systems.
This product is toxic to aquatic organisms including fish and invertebrates. To protect the environment, do not allow pesticide to enter or run off into storm drains, drainage ditches, gutters or surface waters. Applying this product in calm weather when rain is not predicted for the next 24 hours will help to ensure that wind or rain does not blow or wash pesticide off the treatment area. Rinsing application equipment over the treated area will help avoid runoff to water bodies or drainage systems. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming crops or weeds while bees are actively visiting the treatment area.
Apply at a rate of 1% or 2% solution. For soft-bodied pests such as aphids and mites, a 1% solution is sufficient. Using hand-held trigger sprayers, hand sprayers or backpack sprayers, thoroughly spray insect pests with diluted product until plants are wet. Do not wet plants to point of runoff or drip. Repeat treatment in 1-2 weeks if needed.
For use outdoors on fruit and nut trees (apples, cherries, peaches, pears, nuts); flowering, foliage plants; corn; melons; tomatoes; vegetables (beans, cabbage, cucurbits, peas, potatoes); figs; small fruits (grapes, strawberry, raspberry); citrus; ornamental and shade trees (birch, evergreens, holly, oak) and herbs. Do not apply more than 4 fl. oz. of concentrate (400 fl. oz. of 1% solution or 200 fl. oz. of 2% solution) per 1,000 square feet.
For use in home greenhouses on flowering, foliage plants; melons; tomatoes; vegetables (beans, cabbage, cucurbits, peas, potatoes); small fruits (grapes, strawberry, raspberry). Do not apply more than 4 fl. oz. of concentrate (400 fl. oz. of 1% solution or 200 fl. oz. of 2% solution) per 1,000 square feet.
Kills egg stages of pests present in dormant season and scale insects, mites and mealybugs on dormant shrubs (e.g., roses), evergreens, fruit trees and shade trees. Apply a 2% solution. Thoroughly wet the dormant plants or trees. Do not apply more than 4 fl. oz. of concentrate (400 fl. oz. of 1% solution or 200 fl. oz. of 2% solution) per 1,000 square feet.
For more complete instructions, please refer to the manufacturer's label under the DOCS tab.
Storage: Store this product in its original container and keep in a secure storage area out of reach of children and domestic animals.
Cannot Be Shipped To:
- Concentrate – DC,ND,WY
Active Ingredients/Guaranteed Analysis:
Concentrate –
- Canola Oil...89.5%
- Pyrethrin.....0.5%
Ready To Use –
- 0.01% Pyrethrins
- 1.0% Canola Oil
For more information about pyrethrins and their use as insecticides Click Here.
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Take Down Garden Spray
Jul 25, 2019 | By Karen Romano